
Archive for the 'Religious Freedom' Category

State Victim Advocate James Papillo’s term of office ends this month and the Courant confirms that he “probably would not have been reappointed even if he had wanted to stay.” From the Courant story: Papillo’s outspokenness on one issue, in particular, gained him negative attention from many who felt that he had overstepped his bounds […]

Connecticut’s pro same-sex “marriage” activists say forcing churches to approve their “weddings” is not one of their goals. But we have already seen one lesbian couple in Canada sue the Knights of Columbus for refusing to host their “wedding” reception. And now another lesbian couple in New Jersey has sparked a government investigation of a […]

In these politically correct days, who could argue against “tolerance”? It rolls off the tongue so easily – like motherhood and apple pie – and evokes heart-stirring imagery such as the Statue of Liberty beckoning unto the people of all nations who are “yearning to be free”.  Sadly we have lost our understanding of the […]

Last time he sent his associates to change the locks and confiscate the property. It’s a less bare-knuckled approach this time, but essentially the same story: The pastor of a Bristol parish that voted itself out of the Episcopal Church in May has been removed from ministry by the Connecticut Diocese, and church members have […]

It’s been an interesting week at the US Supreme Court, with uplifting news of a series of rulings that bolster freedom of speech and religion. You just know it’s good news for us when the New York Times opines:  The Supreme Court hit the trifecta yesterday: Three cases involving the First Amendment. Three dismaying decisions […]

In another discussion thread, I recently mentioned the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution, saying that it is meant (in part) “to ensure freedom of religion, not freedom from religion”. This assertion drew some howls and catcalls from our left-wing opponents, so I thought it would be useful to review this principle a bit more. […]

No, it wasn’t because of FIC Blog. The vote by Trinity Episcopal Church to split from the denomination has been a long time coming: But the Clarks – along with the vast majority of the congregation – have decided to risk their long association with Trinity by voting to split from the Episcopal Church over differences […]

From today’s Rep-Am: About 100 people gathered outside Saint Mary’s Hospital on Sunday afternoon in a rally to protest a bill that would force the state’s four Catholic hospitals to make emergency contraception available to rape victims. The rally, organized by Connecticut Right for Life, was the only one in the state on Sunday. It […]

Certain tell-tale signs reveal when someone is making a exclusively religious argument: An irrational adherence to a particular viewpoint Closed-minded rejection of those with any opposing perspective A firm unwillingness to compromise or empathize with adversaries By such measures, the phenomenon of “secular fundamentalism” qualifies as a religious belief system. As described by Richard Ekins […]

Just back from the state capitol, where the House just approved the bill forcing Catholic hospital complicity in chemical abortions by 113-36. I’ll have more soon on key parts of the debate. (Watching T.R. Rowe’s speech from inside the Democratic Caucus Room was an interesting experience.) As we have noted before, the next likely step will […]

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