
Archive for November, 2007

Pro same-sex “marriage” Rep. Michael Lawlor (D-East Haven) has told the New Haven Register he expects the Supreme Court’s ruling on the issue “any day now.” That was a week ago. From the Register’s Nov. 23rd above-the-fold front page story: Peter Wolfgang, a spokesman for the Family Institute of Connecticut, which opposes gay marriage, said a […]

The Family Institute of Connecticut has noted for years the social costs of family decline. Now it is getting so bad that even the mainstream media and our state government are beginning to connect the dots. From a November 21st Courant story: Treau Bemis was first. The 2-year-old Groton girl died in September after her mother’s […]

No–for those of you who have been asking–FIC will not be making an endorsement in the presidential election. Our flagship organization does not make endorsements and our PAC only endorses in state, not federal, elections. As for me personally, I have been approached by two campaigns, but I am not yet supporting any candidate. “Fine,” I’m hearing, […]

We have a rough idea of what the break-through in stem-cell research will mean for the Left and their media echo chamber. But what does it mean for Connecticut? No, our opponents will not admit it any time soon, but the debate over destroying human embryos for research has been resolved. What pro-lifers–including President Bush–have […]

So I’m on Dan Lovallo’s program last Friday talking about the scientific break-though of embryonic-like stem cells being created without having to kill human embryos (“When I read the news I thought of the Family Institute of Connecticut” Dan graciously told his audience) and Dan asks me about the media factor in all of this. […]


Pro same-sex “marriage” activists work hard at hiding their radical goal with conservative rhetoric, despite gay spokesmen who occassionally let the cat out of the bag. Another thing these activists would like to keep from the public is how deeply divided homosexuals themselves are over the push to redefine marriage. But every so often that particular cat […]