
Archive for February, 2008

Planned Parenthood has held two recent events to promote a bill that would offer $1 million in incentive grants for school districts to offer increased comprehensive sex ed to teens. (The vaguely written bill, which will receive a public hearing on Friday, is here. A similar bill, which will be heard on Monday, can be viewed […]

Live Blogging at the LOB

No, I’m not the most tech-knowledgeable blogger in the world. But I do what I can. For instance, I’m just now making my first-ever attempt at “live blogging.” It’s 12:11 p.m. as I type this and I’m sitting in Room 2B of the LOB waiting for my turn to testify before the select committee on […]

As first noted by the intrepid Judy Aron in our previous thread, the language of the original homeschooling bill has been mysteriously altered to codify the very violations of parental rights which we are fighting. Here is the latest from Judy: Ok – here is the scoop – Both Senator Meyer and Rep. O’Neill discussed […]

From Judy Aron’s blog: Thanks to the support of State Senator Meyer and State Representative Anne Ruwet of the Select Committee on Children, the Parents Rights Bill proposed by Representative Arthur O’Neill has been raised in the Childrens Committee and will finally have a public hearing on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. in […]

FIC Blog has had occasion over the years to lament the sleazy anti-family billboards along our state’s highways. Gov. Rell has now issued an executive order halting new contracts to build or maintain billboards on state property and is submitting legislation to prevent existing contracts from being renewed once they expire. Gov. Rell apparently sees the […]

Anti-family activists will again be pushing a transgender special rights bill at the state Capitol this year. A Mar. 16, 2006 New Haven Advocate article describes “transgendered” people as “a group that includes transsexuals, cross-dressers, drag queens, hermaphrodites and others who defy gender norms.” The article also notes that “powerful gay and lesbian advocates”–who previously avoided the “trans movement” […]

The targeting of Connecticut’s youth has become a major focus of our state’s pro same-sex “marriage” activists. The Family Institute of Connecticut is determined to see that our youth are served-and not confused-by our state’s educational institutions. But to take up that fight we must first understand the great influence our opponents already wield. Feb. […]

Two months ago The Hartford Courant ran a story promoting t-shirts and onesies with the slogan “marriage is so gay,” the sales of which helped fund Love Makes a Family. Yet supporting the pro same-sex “marriage” group’s year-end fundraising was just the start for The Courant. Now the newspaper is trying to help Love Makes […]

Originally, I had intended the item I posted on Nov. 28th to be FIC Blog’s only thread on the presidential election. But a lot has happened since then–and that previous thread is now up to 170 comments and counting. So I’m asking everyone to continue the conversation in this thread. But before you do, I […]

The day began with a standing-room-only press conference on Rep. Art O’Neill’s homeschooling bill. It ended with all three of the bills FIC Action supports getting raised in committee. Our concepts on homeschooling, fatherlessness and a variation on parental notification were all raised for public hearing by the select committee on children. Raising these bills is just […]

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