Posted in Events, Religious Freedom on September 25th, 2014 No Comments »
Recipients of FIC’s email alerts know that I spoke last week at a Vigil for Persecuted Christians and other religious minorities. It is the first of many such events, and we invite all FIC members to join us at them. The Christian Genocide Rescue Alliance of CT is sponsoring another prayer rally outside the CT […]
Yesterday I wrote about how Sen. Blumenthal balked when I approached him with a question after his Hobby Lobby press conference. Video of that encounter is now available here. I was also invited on Jim Vicevich’s program, where I learned more about “Honeygate” and together we set the record straight. Now I see that the […]
Holding a presser without us? I don’t think so FIC Blog has been on vacation, but our office has in no sense been idle — in fact, we have some exciting press to share. In case you missed it, you can still view the WTNH video of my rebuttal to Sen. Blumenthal’s press conference at […]
The U.S. Supreme Court today ruled that pro-life Americans do not lose their First Amendment right to religious liberty when they open a family business. Though it will take some time to digest everything in the decision–which does not address similar issues facing religious nonprofits–this ruling is a big win for religious liberty. The Health […]
Posted in Religious Freedom on June 25th, 2014 No Comments »
FIC has enthusiastically supported the Fortnight for Freedom every year since the federal government decided it would force people of faith to subsidize abortifacient drugs through their businesses. This year we face the prospect of an imminent Supreme Court ruling, the first one on this issue. I know the suspense grows with every passing day […]
Posted in Religious Freedom on June 20th, 2014 2 Comments »
In early 2004 I was afire with election fever. There was an excitement in the air for Republicans that I have not experienced since, even in 2010. It was my freshman year of college, and partisan politics divided roommate against roommate — though usually in a spirit of sportsmanship and good humor, such as when […]
There, There Sandra Voters Prefer Man With Less Notoriety Like El Niño, I’m sure this can be blamed on the War on Women: Though she still advances to the final round, Sandra Fluke, the best known of all candidates for California’s 26th State Senate district, placed second to school board member Ben Allen. Allen’s website […]
Family Institute of Connecticut Action has expended more energy in opposition to the HHS abortifacient mandate than any other federal issue with which we have ever been involved–an issue that, please God, will be resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of religious liberty before the end of June. The mandate is part of […]
We told you yesterday how Boster’s bloviating was the fruit of Herbst’s hectoring. Now, according to The Hartford Courant, the University of Connecticut has put out the following statement: Everyone has the right to exercise free speech on our campuses. At the same time, we expect our faculty to act in a way that promotes civil […]
Some headlines write themselves, but the first person to commit them to print goes down in legend. For instance, Mel Blanc’s epitaph: “That’s all, folks.” I wish I had been responsible for “UConn Professor Goes Ape.” That’s precisely what happened as UConn’s James Boster publicly disgraced himself, becoming flat-out belligerent toward an anti-evolution demonstrator. See […]