
Archive for February, 2012

In the matter of President Obama’s attempt to force Catholic institutions to provide and pay for abortifacients, contraceptives and sterilizations, Family Institute of Connecticut Action has focused on the policy implications, not the politics, of the federal government issuing a mandate forcing people to violate their religious beliefs. (You can view our campaign to win […]

Washington State has legalized same-sex “marriage” and Maryland is on the verge of doing likewise (and the always-bizarre 9th Circuit has ruled against California’s Proposition 8). The passage of gay marriage by elected officials in other states, with no real exemption for religious liberty, shows how much FIC did accomplish here in our own state […]

FIC Action & HHS Mandate

Of the dozen or so ways in which we communicate with our members and the public, FIC Blog has the smallest audience. Yet there are some of you who read only the Blog. So for those of you who missed it, yes, FIC Action has been all over the Obama Administration’s attack on religious liberty. […]

Connecticut’s pro-life movement is particularly strong in Bridgeport. Here is video of my speech at the Bridgeport abortion clinic marking the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. And here is a notice on the Bridgeport 40 Days for Life sent to FIC by our friend, Sr. Mary Concepta: Our local community in Fairfield County will […]