Nearly everyone expects the Brass City’s two hospitals, St. Mary’s and Waterbury Hospital, to merge soon. One is a Catholic institution, the other is a secular one known to perform abortions. Buried deep in a May 12th Republican-American article on St. Mary’s interim CEO was this: Asked whether he thinks religious issues–such as abortion–could derail or at […]
Posted in Same-Sex Marriage on May 27th, 2008 2 Comments »
The best article so far on what the judicial tyranny in California may mean for Connecticut appeared in last week’s Hartford Advocate: Of course, what the right thing to do is depends on your perspective. Peter Wolfgang, executive director of the Hartford-based Family Institute of Connecticut, decried the decision of the California court, even while acknowledging […]
The bad news is that our “robed masters” in CA have imposed same-sex “marriage” on that state by judicial fiat. The good news is that freedom-loving citizens are fighting back, led in part by someone well-known to us: SAN FRANCISCO — – With its declaration Thursday that gay couples can marry, California’s Supreme Court delivered […]
We expect it from left wing bloggers or the Courant’s Susan Campbell. But Chris Powell? Below is the letter I submitted to the Manchester Journal Inquirer on April 30th, which the JI published yesterday: Chris Powell should check his facts before defaming the one group that shares his concern for “arresting the breakdown of […]
Any day now the Connecticut Supreme Court could be issuing a ruling imposing same-sex “marriage” by judicial fiat…despite the fact that it has been repeatedly defeated at the state legislature. FIC supports a constitutional convention and right of initiative law to stop the Left’s constant efforts to usurp democracy. The right of intiative is a […]
The lead op-ed on the front page of the Courant’s April 27th Sunday Commentary section was, of course, yet another article for same-sex “marriage“: Their anecdotes revealed common problems. For example, same-sex couples are often denied health benefits because of a provision in the federal Defense of Marriage Act. In numerous situations, hospital or social […]
It’s also said that gay marriage will eventually lead to polygamy and worse. This argument is without even the barest shred of merit. —Genghis Conn on CT Local Politics, March 20, 2007 That didn’t take long. Barely a year after our opponents’ failed attempt to shout down the obvious truth that same-sex marriage could lead to […]
My previous post on Mayor Perez withdrawing from the National Day of Prayer event at the state Capitol got the attention of far left bloggers and a liberal radio host. Perhaps unsuprisingly, the actual event held far less interest for them. That’s unfortunate for the same reason Mayor Perez’ withdrawal is unfortunate. Many of our opponents […]
Three years ago Connecticut’s pro same-sex “marriage” Episcopal bishop sent his henchmen to change the locks and confiscate the property of a pro-family church in Bristol, replacing their pastor with one loyal to him. According to Saturday’s Courant, he just tried the same thing in Groton…but this time it was the man he sent who […]