
Archive for November, 2013

The first time I heard some blogger quip about “Black Thursday,” I recoiled like a vampire from a cross.  You think that’s cute now, I thought,  just wait until it starts to stick. About this time last year, I was struck with sadness by the juxtaposition between these two headlines on MSN Money’s Smart Spending […]

This year, Ḥanukah begins the night before Thanksgiving, an unusual occurrence. Typically, Ḥanukah begins in December; all too often it is treated by the larger culture as “the Jewish Christmas,” with all of the commercialized trappings at shopping malls this season. The problem is that the real meaning of Ḥanukah is diametrically opposed to what […]

Trinity College in Hartford is the third most expensive private school in the country: an education here carries a nearly $50,000-a-year price tag. For that kind of money, parents of prospective students could probably be forgiven for thinking that a school founded in the 1800s by an Episcopal bishop, with an official motto “For Church and […]

Stop “Intactivists” from criminalizing male circumcision, including Jewish brit milah Family Institute of Connecticut Action fights for the religious liberty of all of Connecticut’s citizens, not just Christians. We will be responding to an attack on the religious freedom of Connecticut’s Jewish community tomorrow. Although it is short notice, we invite as many FIC members […]

The Family Institute of Connecticut Action has learned from a reputable source that Connecticut’s senior senator, Richard Blumenthal, will join others to introduce a bill in Congress to federally override the intent of democratically elected officials in far off states like Wisconsin and Texas. To take away the right of a citizenry to govern themselves, […]

A Response to Chris Shays

My living room has seen a great deal of political activity in the last 4 and half years.  The tea party has plotted and planned and vetted and organized from my couches and chairs.  Yes, vetted.  Politicians have made their way through my little condo, facing the firing line of tea party activists from every […]

Our friends at St. Ann’s Church in Avon have alerted us to this event which we strongly encourage Family Institute of Connecticut members to attend: Defenders of Faith Ministry Presents: The Catholic Church in The Public Square November 10, 2013 On Sunday, November 10, 2013, at 2:00 PM, the Church of Saint Ann [289 Arch […]

Join FIC at Jesus Fest Nov. 9th

Family Institute of Connecticut returns to Jesus Fest this Saturday, November 9th, 9 am to 4 pm at the Lifestyles Expo in Tolland: The JesusFest Pavilion will consist of displays by Christian churches, ministries, schools, businesses and more (similar to the display barns when JesusFest was at the agricultural center). Due to the acoustics of […]

  Remember the 2010 Enfield graduations battle, when FIC scored a victory for the principle that the First Amendment requires churches be treated equal to other organizations in the public square, only to see the Board of Education goof up their own case? In a July 20, 2012 email alert to our members FIC noted what […]

Art is powerful. It has the potential to communicate with us at a subconscious, visceral level. Music was long considered to be an essential component of a well-rounded education, but the visual arts should not be discounted. If I seem to be preaching to the choir, consider that when school budgets are tight, art and music […]