The Lawlor-and-McDonald-controlled Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote on S.B. 899, the same-sex “marriage” bill, for TOMORROW (Monday, March 30th)! In its present form, this bill will lead to the same-sex “marriage”-fueled attacks on religious liberty that we have seen in other states (Catholic Charities forced out of adoptions in Boston, Methodist church losing tax-exempt […]
FIC Action yesterday called upon Senate President Pro Tem Donald Williams and House Speaker Chris Donovan to remove Sen. Andrew McDonald and Rep. Michael Lawlor from their positions as co-chairs of the Judiciary Committee. You can read the details on our homepage. The best media reports available so far come from The Courant and from […]
Posted in General Politics on March 16th, 2009 10 Comments »
We had a big victory at the state Capitol last week with the effective defeat of S.B 1098, the bill which would have removed the authority of Catholic bishops over their parishes. I’m just back from the Capitol, where it appears we may have had another major victory today–though I can’t say too much about […]
Truth has never been a high priority for left wing blogs. So it comes as no surprise to learn that they are falsely attributing to FIC a flyer that was distributed at last week’s Rally. It’s also no surprise that they would fail to post on their websites the flyer we really did distribute, which […]
I’ll be a guest on the Laura Ingraham show tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. to discuss R.B. 1098.
Posted in Religious Freedom on March 7th, 2009 2 Comments »
It’s one of the most outrageous attacks on religious liberty in Connecticut in living memory. Click here to read up on R.B. 1098 and to help us stop it.