The Hartford Courant digital edition has thrown pro-lifers a bone — an itty, bitty chicken wing bone. A search using the terms “March for Life” yielded six relevant hits (initially 64, but on closer examination, most had nothing to do with it) within a four-day period. During the same time frame, there were 26 stories […]
You just have to love the nation’s oldest continuously-published newspaper. Thanks to the AP, over 100 news outlets covered the highly successful, first-ever East Coast Conference Against Assisted Suicide which we co-sponsored. The Hartford Courant was not among them although the event was within 10 minutes of Broad Street headquarters. What is newsworthy, pray tell? […]
Yesterday I wrote about how Sen. Blumenthal balked when I approached him with a question after his Hobby Lobby press conference. Video of that encounter is now available here. I was also invited on Jim Vicevich’s program, where I learned more about “Honeygate” and together we set the record straight. Now I see that the […]
NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut is “whining up a storm on Twitter” over the U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down Massachusetts’ buffer zone law, as FIC’s Nicole Stacy has reported. But the state’s pro-abortion lobby is revising its own history when it comes to buffer zones in Connecticut. The facts were accurately reported at the time in […]
Former Governor Lowell Weicker says the Connecticut GOP is “irrelevant.” No one disputes that the CT GOP has been in an exceedingly weak position for decades, a legislative superminority at certain points in the Rell years and even less influential in the Malloy era, with the Democrats now in control of the Governor’s office as […]
FAMILY INSTITUTE OF CONNECTICUT ACTION PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 6, 2014 Contact: Peter Wolfgang 860-548-0066 Quinnipiac Poll Showing Support for Assisted Suicide is Flawed The following statement may be attributed to Family Institute of Connecticut Action president Peter Wolfgang: “The poll released this morning by Quinnipiac University purporting to show that 61% […]
I read the Hartford Advocate mostly in the mid-90s, when I was a twenty-something UConn Law student living in West Hartford. It published some great work back then. There was “Connecticut Etiquette,” a piece that captured the time and place of my early adulthood better than anything I have ever read. And a hilarious April […]
It’s that time of year again. I’m seeing pink. Everywhere. Here…Here… Here… Here… Even at the deli. I’m serious: sliced meat now comes with a pink pedigree. With few exceptions, the pink lovefest seems to involve Susan G. Komen, who appeared ready to finally throw off the yoke of funding to Planned Parenthood […]
[Note: The post below was originally FIC’s July 9th email alert. The Hartford Courant, to its credit, linked to our original blog post later that day and ran an excerpt in its July 10th print edition. ~ PW] Fighting The Big Lie! In the two weeks since the U.S. Supreme Court’s pro same-sex “marriage” rulings, […]
It’s such an off-the-charts howler of an inaccuracy that you can’t help but wonder how The Courant’s letters-to-the-editor editor let it be published, let alone in the Sunday edition: …same-sex marriage has existed for centuries and was known in China, Egypt, Greece, Rome and Mesopotamia. But in the rush to glorify the U.S. Supreme Court’s […]