
Archive for the 'Religious Freedom' Category

Connecticut’s Episcopal Diocese would rather sell off a 245-year-old church in Watertown than give in to its pro-family dissenters. From Tuesday’s (Waterbury) Republican-American: And last year Palmer was there [at Christ Church] when nearly all of the congregation left to form their own church because of the national Episcopal Church’s stance on homosexuals and other issues. On Sunday, Bishop […]

We live in troubling times. Throughout the United States – at the local, state and federal levels of government – assaults continue upon our religious freedom. Recent examples include: Enforcement action by San Diego County against a local pastor and his wife, for daring to hold a bible study group in the privacy of their […]

  The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts. – Edmund Burke  While legislation may circumscribe the boundaries of our actions, it is beyond the legitimate reach of government to regulate our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. In this sense, there is an inextricable link between our “freedom of thought” […]

Pastor Eric Thompson of Wayfaring Ministries will appear on the Dan Lovallo Show at 5 pm today to discuss SB 899 and the pro-ssm side’s misuse of analogies to racial discrimination. Go to for the station near you.

The Lawlor-and-McDonald-controlled Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote on S.B. 899, the same-sex “marriage” bill, for TOMORROW (Monday, March 30th)! In its present form, this bill will lead to the same-sex “marriage”-fueled attacks on religious liberty that we have seen in other states (Catholic Charities forced out of adoptions in Boston, Methodist church losing tax-exempt […]

FIC Action yesterday called upon Senate President Pro Tem Donald Williams and House Speaker Chris Donovan to remove Sen. Andrew McDonald and Rep. Michael Lawlor from their positions as co-chairs of the Judiciary Committee. You can read the details on our homepage. The best media reports available so far come from The Courant and from […]

Truth has never been a high priority for left wing blogs. So it comes as no surprise to learn that they are falsely attributing to FIC a flyer that was distributed at last week’s Rally. It’s also no surprise that they would fail to post on their websites the flyer we really did distribute, which […]

I’ll be a guest on the Laura Ingraham show tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. to discuss R.B. 1098.

It’s one of the most outrageous attacks on religious liberty in Connecticut in living memory. Click here to read up on R.B. 1098 and to help us stop it.

We are blessed to live in a country that cherishes freedom – and that includes your freedom to choose with whom to associate and with whom to trade. Even when political machinations may tend to thwart the will of the people, the power of how you choose to spend your money can be an effective […]

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