The Real FIC Flyer
March 16th, 2009 by Peter
Truth has never been a high priority for left wing blogs. So it comes as no surprise to learn that they are falsely attributing to FIC a flyer that was distributed at last week’s Rally. It’s also no surprise that they would fail to post on their websites the flyer we really did distribute, which was printed on FIC letterhead. Below is the text of that flyer.
Welcome to the Battle!
You took time off from work today. Maybe you chartered a bus. Perhaps you made last-minute arrangements for child care or you brought the children with you. All so that can you make your voice heard on the most crucial battle of our day: protecting religious liberty in Connecticut!
The Family Institute of Connecticut thanks you for willingness to be here today. We want you to know three key facts about the fight you are in:
Though S.B. 1098 has been tabled for this session, the specific threat it posed to religious liberty is still active. On the opposite side of this page is a fact sheet produced by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport. Please note the bullet point we have marked “MOST IMPORTANT.” The 1955 statute governing Catholic corporations (which S.B. 1098 would have changed) was requested by the Church itself, is the type of corporate governance the Church prefers and is constitutional. Rep. Lawlor and Sen. McDonald are seeking a legal opinion that may declare it as unconstitutional as a way of pursuing the same purpose of S.B. 1098. If the 1955 statute is somehow removed it may open the door for the sort of state interference in internal church governance as S.B. 1098 sought to accomplish. Tell your legislators that you OPPOSE S.B. 1098 and that you SUPPORT the 1955 statute (section 33-279).
Another Judiciary Committee bill, S.B. 899, is the most real and most immediate threat to religious liberty in Connecticut. S.B. 899 seeks to codify the CT Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex “marriage” in our state. If passed in its present form it will lead to attacks on religious liberty similar to what we have seen in other states: Catholic Charities in Boston forced out of adoption services for refusing to place children with same-sex couples, a Methodist church in New Jersey losing tax-exempt status over a pavilion for refusing to rent it to a lesbian union ceremony and many more such incidents. In last week’s public hearing on S.B. 899, many members of the Judiciary Committee ridiculed the CT Catholic Conference for asking that S.B. 899 be amended to protect religious liberty—including legislators who oppose the other bill, S.B. 1098. Do not let these legislators tell you they support religious liberty if they are against S.B. 1098 but FOR S.B. 899. Tell them you expect them to AMEND S.B. 899 as the Catholic Conference asked!
Support the Family Institute of Connecticut! We are the grassroots arm of religious liberty and the defense of the unborn and the sanctity of marriage in Connecticut. Executive Director Peter Wolfgang and the FIC have been leading this fight at the state Capitol, in the media, the schools and the churches for many years. If you are just learning of us, please go to and check us out. And please donate to our work! Your contributions make it possible for us to be the best, most professional and most reliable ally of all the faiths—Catholic, Protestant and Jewish—in these battles!