
Archive for the 'Religious Freedom' Category

Much is being made this week, and rightly so, of the remarkable rise of young Art Linares to the State Senate. If, as CT GOP chair Jerry Labriola has asserted, Latino voters and the GOP are closely aligned on social issues, it may be that Art Linares does indeed represent an “emerging Latino political wave.” […]

On October 18th our friends at the Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference emailed this statement from Hartford Archbishop Henry Mansell in response to Vice-President Biden’s erroneous statements about the HHS Mandate: In this month’s issue of The Catholic Transcript I wrote about how in these days in our country, we are coming to realize how […]

This Friday, October 5th, there will be a  bioethics lecture by Alan Sears, the president of Alliance Defending Freedom, which is the legal arm of Focus on the Family (and the Family Institute of Connecticut). The talk at Holy Apostles College in Cromwell will be on religious liberty, same sex “marriage”, and the link between […]

My husband Peter, executive director of FIC, was subjected to death threats for being a pro-family leader. You can read The Courant’s front page coverage here and The Courant’s subsequent editorial here. It’s the editorial that I want to say something about. I appreciate The Hartford Courant defending Peter. I’m sure the editorialist thinks they […]

Pro-abortion Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro is not shy in lecturing others–even the Pope–in what she believes to be her superior knowledge of Catholic doctrine. Last week, she got a taste of her own medicine and she did not like it one bit. From our friend, Connecticut pro-life activist Kathy Upson: Hi friends, I just  went to […]

The Fortnight for Freedom is over but the Family Institute of Connecticut’s 2012 Religious Liberty Tour is just getting started. The Waterbury Republican-American today front-paged my letter to the editor as the “Opinion of the Day:” The July 3 article “Catholics denounce law,” on the Supreme Court upholding Obamacare, quotes Maria Zoe, director of communications […]

The planned merger of St. Mary’s Hospital and Waterbury Hospital has sparked yet another ember in the fabricated “War on Women.” Among the merger terms is that Waterbury Hospital will comply with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic health care, which St. Mary’s adheres to. The combination of St. […]

This was just received from our friend, Jason Calvi: As part of our daily Fortnight for Freedom programming, the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally in New Haven will take center stage on this Sunday’s “That’s the Spirit.”   You can watch it at 10:45 AM and 5:45 AM on WCCT-TV, which broadcasts across Connecticut. […]

[Update: Although the Fortnight for Freedom has come and gone, FIC’s 2012 Religious Liberty Tour will continue. The speaking schedule at the end of this blog post will be updated regularly with more events.] You know about the increasing attacks on religious liberty overseas and even here in our own country. In fact, if you […]

We don’t blame the editors of America’s oldest continuously published newspaper for being continuously confused. The Hartford Courant could not bother to send a reporter to FIC’s March 23rd Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally, even though there were 615 of us just a few blocks from the Courant’s office at noon on a weekday. […]

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