
Archive for the 'Religious Freedom' Category

In today’s Connecticut Post, the front page of their Commentary section features a rant by wire editor John Hourihan who opines about how he is “getting tired of the religious right”. Writers like Hourihan need to understand that the feeling is mutual. We are getting tired of liberally biased media who scoff at the faith […]

Nearly everyone expects the Brass City’s two hospitals, St. Mary’s and Waterbury Hospital, to merge soon. One is a Catholic institution, the other is a secular one known to perform abortions. Buried deep in a May 12th Republican-American article on St. Mary’s interim CEO was this: Asked whether he thinks religious issues–such as abortion–could derail or at […]

Three years ago Connecticut’s pro same-sex “marriage” Episcopal bishop sent his henchmen to change the locks and confiscate the property of a pro-family church in Bristol, replacing their pastor with one loyal to him. According to Saturday’s Courant, he just tried the same thing in Groton…but this time it was the man he sent who […]

Two months ago The Hartford Courant ran a story promoting t-shirts and onesies with the slogan “marriage is so gay,” the sales of which helped fund Love Makes a Family. Yet supporting the pro same-sex “marriage” group’s year-end fundraising was just the start for The Courant. Now the newspaper is trying to help Love Makes […]

The Christian Defense Coalition is having another prayer vigil and demonstration at ESPN on Monday, February 11, at 12:00 noon. They are hoping to have a decent turnout and have asked that people spread the word. For more information on the vigil contact Rich Kendall at 203-380-0651. Below is an excerpt from a Christian newswire […]

Next week marks the start of the 2008 session of the Connecticut General Assembly—and anti-family lobbyists are already launching new attacks on faith and family! But their attacks are being met by a new force that has risen up in the last few years to fight for our values: Family Institute of Connecticut Action. Here […]

No December on FIC Blog is complete without a mention of the attacks on faith that have unfortunately become such a routine fact of the Christmas season. The good news is that things appear to be on the upswing. Yes, there was that silly atheist sign in Vernon attempting to link religious faith to the the terrorist attacks […]

Have you noticed lately how socially liberal politicians are seeking to wrap themselves in the blanket of religion? At least it’s proof that they recognize how faith can be a powerful and influential force in the political sphere. Nevertheless we would be wise to consider such newfound religiosity with a healthy dose of cynicism and […]

No–in answer to the wiesenheimer who left the voice mail on my cell–FIC won’t be taking up a petition drive to excommunicate the bishops. Hartford’s Bishop Macaluso, in fact, was one of the key speakers at our September 12th Rally for Liberty, and our relationship with the Catholic Church remains strong. But I understand where […]

Pro same-sex “marriage” activists are all about peace, love, tolerance and diversity…until you resist them. Then they want the heavy hand of government to impose their supposed “tolerance” on you. I’ve already noted the lesbian couple who sparked a government investigation of a New Jersey church for refusing to allow their civil union ceremony at its pavillion. Now […]

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