
Archive for the 'Religious Freedom' Category

We’re proud to say, for the first time ever, that a Connecticut church has joined ADF’s Pulpit Freedom Sunday initiative. Check out #127.

The U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services has issued an interim rule mandating insurance coverage of contraception, sterilization and potentially abortifacient drugs–even for religious institutions. In fact, the rule includes a faux-exemption for religious institutions written so narrowly that the “exemption” itself is a threat to religious liberty. Details on the rule, and what […]

No, not that Rick Green. Made you look, though. đŸ™‚ This comes to our in-box from Ann Leatherwood: This Sat, Rick Green, of Wallbuilders, hosts a free Restore America Conference 10:30am – Milford City Hall, 110 River Street, Milford. Hope you can make it, but if not, please help spread the word! Such an amazing […]

On September 16th a Hartford jury acquitted a blogger of threatening and inciting violence against three state officials because, they told the media, the prosecution did not meet its burden of proof. This blog post is not about that. It is about the laughingly incomplete description of S.B. 1098, the 2009 Bishop Removal Bill, given […]

Pro-family pastors, come join with Watchmen Pastors from across the New England states Tuesday October 5th from 9am to 2pm. Make plans now to join Randy Wilson, National Director of Church Ministries at the Family Research Council, Paul Jehle Pastor of New Testament Chruch in Plymouth, MA, Bob Emrich pastor and NE Regional Representative for […]

Our friends at Citizens for Community Values of Connecticut are sponsoring a series of workshops on the Christian heritage of our region and how it continues to be rewritten by historical revisionists.  Each of these workshops is different so you can attend as many as you wish. It will be Oct. 14th-15th in Southington and […]

The rumor today is that Andrew McDonald, co-chairman of the Judiciary Committee and long-time foe of FIC, will be named to a position in Governor-elect Dan Malloy’s administration. We have no lack of disagreements with Sen. McDonald. But we want to take this occasion to say publicly to Sen. McDonald something he is not used […]

Thank You, Bishop Lori

The Most Rev. William E. Lori, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, has issued Let Freedom Ring: A Pastoral Letter on Religious Freedom. You can view it on the Diocese’s website. Though addressed specifically to the Catholics of Fairfield County, the Family Institute of Connecticut strongly recommends that Bishop Lori’s letter be read […]

(Below is a slightly edited version of yesterday’s FIC e-mail alert -PW) Second Circuit Denies Expedited Appeal When Enfield changed its mind last week and voted to appeal a temporary injunction against holding graduations at First Cathedral, FIC noted that according to The Courant, the BOE is still not seeking to move this month’s graduations […]

The Courant Ed Page is right when it says on its facebook that obvious bias is the Ed Page’s job. But there is a difference between the bias of advocating for a position and the bias of making misrepresentations–and The Courant’s bias on Enfield is very much the latter. We have already discussed why the […]

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