
No, not that Rick Green. Made you look, though. 🙂 This comes to our in-box from Ann Leatherwood:

This Sat, Rick Green, of Wallbuilders, hosts a free Restore America Conference 10:30am – Milford City Hall, 110 River Street, Milford. Hope you can make it, but if not, please help spread the word!

Such an amazing experience to relearn the truth of America’s Christian founding.  I have to think Wallbuilders could play such a big role in helping Pastors motivate Christians (both Catholic and Protestant) to take their faith to the public square – gently reminding them that government and the political arena are God’s work, and, participation is part of our Stewardship – not an option, or a hobby…

For me, this is the Big Idea for 2012! Sponsored by RealMilford and the Milford Christian Academy.

More information can be found here.

One Response to “Rick Green to Give Talk on “America’s Christian Founding!””

  1. on 23 Sep 2011 at 9:34 amBill

    A BIG THANKS to the Family Institute of Connecticut again for being the leading organization to defend religious liberty in CT. Alerting folks about these events helps everyone find a correct understanding of the true history of our Constitution State and the underpinnings of our Liberty.

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