
Archive for the 'Religious Freedom' Category

Our opponents employ several different strategies to intimidate and silence those who dare to oppose them. Probably none backfires as much as the claim that anyone who knows marriage is between a man and a woman is a “bigot.” In fact, an advertisement currently running for the Dan Lovallo show quotes Brian saying as much. And two […]

When I mentioned the Courant’s opposition to last year’s Plan B bill, one lefty correspondent, Semant Ick, responded dryly “I’m surprised that the wickedly liberal Courant framed the issue in such a way.” Not to worry, Ick. The Courant has reverted to form: There must be someone inside every hospital, whether secular or religious, who will offer, […]

A parental notification bill supported by FIC Action and other pro-lifers has been introduced by Rep. John Thompson, a Manchester Democrat. You can read the bill here. It would “require that notice be given to a parent or legal guardian prior to the performance of an abortion on an unemancipated minor.” Watch your in-boxes for information on what […]

From the front page of today’s Courant: Even as the Plan B emergency birth control pill was heading toward more widespread availability at pharmacy counters, 40 percent of rape victims who sought care at Connecticut hospitals in the first half of 2006 were not offered the medication or were sent home without the full dose […]

We’re happy to report that the ethics bill passed by the U.S. Senate included the Bennett amendment: The Senate last night also voted 55-43 to adopt a Republican amendment that deleted a provision of the ethics bill that would have expanded the definition of lobbyist to include grass-roots organizers, possibly including ministers and neighborhood groups. […]

A bill to muzzle pro-family voters has been introduced in the new Democrat-controlled Senate: The ethics bill before the Senate not only cracks down on lawmakers, but also subjects politically active ministers and neighborhood groups to the same rules as K Street lobbyists.     Under the legislation, grass-roots organizations that attempt to “influence the general public” […]

‘Tis the season for anti-Catholic gimmicks at our state capitol. Pro-abortion activists have trotted out Miss Connecticut to support their efforts to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortion-inducing drugs: Miss Connecticut Heidi Alice Voight said Wednesday that she supports legislation that would require all Connecticut hospitals to provide emergency contraception to rape victims. This marks […]

Sunday’s Courant carried a good front page above-the-fold primer on why Connecticut is now the “front line” in the battle for Christian orthodoxy within the Episcopal Church: The Christmastime decision by eight Virginia congregations to bolt the Episcopal Church in favor of Anglican partners in Africa echoed loudly in the church’s oldest diocese – the one in Connecticut that […]

That Christians are a powerful majority responsible for most of the world’s suffering appears to be a deeply held article of faith on the Left. When I last blogged on the epidemic of local Christmas creche vandalism one liberal even responded by claiming that “Most hate crimes…are committed by people and/or groups who claim affiliation […]

Another Connecticut nativity scene has been vandalized: STRATFORD — Stephen Mieczkowski spent nearly 40 hours over four days in early December building an 8-foot-high crche in front of the Knights of Columbus Hall on Main Street — an undertaking inspired by his late father, Joseph, who loved Christmas. But all that work was reduced to […]

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