
Archive for the 'Religious Freedom' Category

Just a quick, snowy-Friday wrap-up of recent happenings. Lefty blogger Spazeboy has responded to my guest post on same-sex “marriage” which he invited me to write. An editor at a national publication had this reaction to the exchange: “You pre-empted their rebuttal, but they didn’t notice or care.” Precisely. Our liberal correspondent Simon, in a previous thread, states his belief […]

A bill that would force Catholic hospitals to provide chemical abortions was approved by the Human Services Committte today in a 12-5 vote. Our thanks to Senator Kissel and Representatives Adinolfi, Morris, Thompson and Truglia for their courageous vote against this pro-abortion attack on religious liberty. As noted repeatedly by religious liberty advocates: The secondary […]

St. Francis Hospital’s Barry Feldman marvelously represented the pro-life, pro-religious liberty position at yesterday’s Plan B hearing. An excerpt from the Courant: The Catholic hospitals, according to their own survey, treated 73 rape victims in the first six months of 2006. All of those at risk of pregnancy – 26 patients – were given an ovulation […]

It’s a curious thing, this absence of any mention of today’s Plan B hearing in the morning papers. How is it that the hottest controversy of the 2006 session rates no mention the day of the 2007 hearing for the same bill? We sent an e-mail alert late Friday to our membership asking them to attend the […]

Between same-sex “marriage” and the pro-abortion attack on Christian hospitals it’s easy to lose sight of the good bills at the General Assembly. There have been, in fact, ten FIC endorsed pro-family bills introduced during the current session and more may be coming. Here’s the run down. A bill has been introduced to create a task force to explore the […]

The Hartford Courant recently held a forum on political blogging in Connecticut…with a panel that didn’t include a single conservative. Don Pesci, one of our state’s best conservative bloggers, responds: When the Hartford Courant recently hosted a forum on blogging, no conservative bloggers were represented on the panel that included McEnroe, introduced as a blogger, […]

From the Connecticut Catholic Conference: Senate Bill 1343 ” An Act Concerning Compassionate Care For Victims of Sexual Assault”, which is a threat to the religious freedom of Catholic hospitals will not be heard on Tuesday March 6th. The item is not on the official agenda for the hearing published today. You will be notified […]

A public hearing will be held Tuesday, March 6 at 9:00 a.m. on one of the most outrageous pro-abortion attacks on religious liberty ever attempted in Connecticut. From the Connecticut Catholic Conference’s urgent action alert: Senate Bill 1343 “An Act  Concerning Compassionate Care For Victims of Sexual Assault”, which seeks to aid rape victims, is also […]

The Connecticut Catholic Conference sent out an e-mail alert Friday discussing its positions on a half dozen legislative issues. The section on Plan B includes a link to the Catholic Hospital Emergency Rape Victim Protocol discussed earlier on FIC Blog: RELIGIOUS LIBERTY  THREATENED BY EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION (PLAN B) LEGISLATION Senate Bill 685, “An Act Concerning […]

A public hearing began this morning on Proposed Bill 6883, which would exempt Bible colleges from the state’s higher education licensing process. Currently, educational entities whose curriculum is entirely religious must meet the state’s secular standards or face cease and desist orders. From an analysis from a Baptist pastor in Southington whose Bible College is […]

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