Tom Foley for Governor
September 3rd, 2014 by FIC Action Committee
Family Institute of Connecticut Action Committee endorses Tom Foley for Governor. This is the first time since our founding that we have ever endorsed a candidate for the state’s highest office.
Tom Foley came to FIC Action Committee on June 12th and sat with us for an hour and a half, discussing pro-family issues. We are convinced based on this meeting–and an August 26th phone conversation initiated by Mr. Foley–that the pro-family cause will do better under a Governor Foley than it has these last three and a half years under Gov. Dan Malloy.
It was Gov. Malloy who forced the Bathroom Bill–the transgender law–through the state legislature. It was Gov. Malloy who flew the Rainbow Flag over the Governor’s mansion to show his support for same-sex “marriage.” (Indeed, it is the Malloy Administration that describes itself as the “gayest administration ever.”)
Governor Malloy is pro-abortion. He is hostile to religious liberty, calling the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling, which protects the right of small businesses not to be forced to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, “an affront.” He insulted Catholics in particular by placing Andrew McDonald, who introduced the infamous 2009 Bishop-Removal Bill, on the State Supreme Court.
Many of the issues above are not going to be revisited in the next four years, regardless of who is Governor. But Tom Foley has clarified to us that he opposes assisted suicide and would veto the assisted suicide bill. Governor Malloy’s position on assisted suicide is ambiguous.
Governor Malloy is likely to do still more harm to family values in Connecticut if given another four years, while a Governor Foley would cease the downward spiral and work with people of good will to repair the damage.
We encourage all our members this November to vote for Tom Foley for Governor.
Paid for and approved by FIC Action Committee, Lawrence Taffner, Treasurer.
[…] has clarified to us that he opposes assisted suicide and would veto the assisted suicide bill,” the FIC action committee wrote in their endorsement of Foley. But in that same endorsement they also railed against Gov. Dannel P. Malloy for his stance on […]
Malloy let’s us all know what he thinks of pro-family Connecticut voters. We are “radicals”, says he.
If Danel wants to make the transgender agenda the foundation of his re-election effort, he’ll find out who the voters view as the radical.