What Gov. Malloy Didn’t Say
February 6th, 2014 by Peter
Gov. Malloy’s State of the State speech today was heavy on election year-friendly policies. No gratuitous shout-out to same-sex “marriage”, as in 2011. No reference to assisted suicide, even though Speaker Sharkey said it will get a hearing and it is flagged as one of three key issues for the 2014 session on The Courant’s front page today. Countless Connecticut commentators advise the CT GOP to actively join the other party’s attacks on life and marriage. But if that would be such good politics, why did the Governor leave it out of his election year SOTS speech?
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The physician assisted suicide issue is simply bad politics for the Dems and I think Malloy knows it.
As for same sex marriage, I don’t really think the average Dem views it as an issue anymore and it is not going to round up votes for the liberals like it used to. I think they view it as old news.