
DOMA and Connecticut


First, you should know what the media is downplaying: The Supreme Court did not find a right to same-sex “marriage” in the U.S. Constitution as it did with abortion in 1973. This result contradicts the claims of our adversaries that same-sex “marriage” is a civil right akin to other civil rights. The Court had the chance to validate that claim and refused to do so.

The bad news is that the Court said that the dozen states that have same-sex “marriage” can force their definition of marriage on the federal government, that the federal government has no power to define the words in its own laws. This is absurd.

It is especially outrageous that Connecticut’s same-sex “marriage” law can be imposed on the federal government because that law was not even enacted by the people of Connecticut or our elected representatives. Same-sex “marriage” was imposed on Connecticut by a 4-3 decision of our State Supreme Court, usurping a democratically passed statute that defined marriage as between a man and a woman. Connecticut’s judicial activism has now been imposed on the federal government by another act of judicial activism.

The critical role of man-woman marriage is not diminished by these rulings today. The essential need for children to have both a married mother and father is not lessened by the opinions. The work of Family Institute of Connecticut to strengthen marriages continues as well.

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