
First there was the typically overwrought pro sex-ed Susan Campbell column:

Connecticut is one of the bluest states imaginable, yet public discussion about sex education in schools can easily jettison us back to the days of the Scopes trial, when fiery preachers railed against modernity, and movie theaters were considered Satan’s temple…

Yet the opposition shouts down the rest of us. They write letters. They send e-mails. Legislators need to hear from you. To read the bill, go to At the top of the screen, next to “Bill,” type 5591, then click on “Go.”

Campbell is almost physically incapable of describing her opponents with anything approaching charity, she cites widely debunked studies like Mathematica’s and she misleads her liberal readers to believe the bill she supports would require sex ed. But give her this: she paid us the huge backhanded compliment of finding us so influential that she felt it necessary to rouse the Courant’s readers to lobby for a bill we oppose.

Tell the Courant that Campbell’s columns make the paper a blatant advocate for abortion and same-sex “marriage” and the Courant will patiently tell you her role is different than the news sections. But if that is the case, how to explain the big front page article in today’s Courant, which tries to do for the sex-ed bill what Campbell tried to do for it?

The article gives major coverage to an “AIDS Awareness” lobbying event held at the state capitol yesterday for the purpose of passing the sex-ed bill. An excerpt:

“Our last seven cases were teens ages 14 to 19,” said Danielle Warren-Dias, a case manager in the pediatric HIV/AIDS program at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. “We thought we would be shrinking our program; now we’re expanding.”

Warren-Dias said six of the seven new cases at the children’s hospital were among young men engaged in homosexual activity. She did not describe the seventh case.

The persistence of new HIV and AIDS cases among young people, combined with high rates of other sexually transmitted diseases among Connecticut teens, points to the need for more education about sex — both inside and outside of schools, advocates said.

The paper vaguely acknowledges that the bill is “controversial” and that “opponents” have concerns, though the reporter could not be bothered to name a single opponent, let alone interview one. Nor do they mention the crazier comments these sex-ed activists are prone to make at public events.

When we held our Pro-Family Rally earlier this month the Courant warned us it had to be “pretty severe” in determining what is newsworthy because the paper gets flooded with pleas and press releases during the legislative session. That seemed a reasonable, content-neutral answer and we were subsequently pleased with the photos of the event.

But lobby for a politically correct cause supported by the Courant’s staff and you get the front page coverage the sex-ed activists received today. The bias may not be intentional, but it is there.

One Response to “Courant Shills for Sex-Ed Bill”

  1. on 25 Apr 2008 at 8:03 amBob Rice

    Peter Wolfgang is much too polite a man suggesting that the Bias shown by the Hartford Courant may not be intentional. To me and many others, the bias of the Liberal rag newspaper (my words, not his) known as the Hartford Courant is painfully obvious to any thinking individual. It is indeed blatantly intentional. It is for this reason alone that my family and I and many other thousands of citizens have canceled our subscriptions to the Courant years ago. We could not in good conscience waste our money on a paper that pushes an agenda contrary to our own. I can however understand Peter’s reason for reading such paper. Know thy enemy. I also imagine that it also provides Peter with a kind of pennance.

    Sadly, the Courant pushes for the same “sex education” agenda called by many other so called “progressive” individuals like Susan Campbell in a false charitable sense pretending to only have the interests and health of our young teens in mind. If indeed any of these foolish individuals had any charity regarding the interest, welfare and health of our teens, then they would tell the truth to the kids in our schools about sex. Telling the truth is indeed Charity. Charity is after all the Greates of Virtues!

    At Northwestern Regional 7 School, the School administration regularly has as speakers individuals from Planned Parenthood come and speak to the teens under the guise of “Health Education”. They come to promote so called “Safe Sex” practices to teens, many of whom are not even considering being sexually active since some teens are being properly raised in an atmosphere of faith and morality, being taught rightfully by their parents that sex is not a pastime, but a gift that should be given only to a dedicated, committed, lifelong spouse once the sacred vows of marriage are exchanged between husband and wife. It is here that the public school institution is promoting a dissent between children and parents. They are in effect actually promoting the most unhealthy of activities for our children. The lie of so called “Safe Sex”.

    Planned Parenthood’s real purpose behind their agenda is actually “Planned Barrenhood”. It is a plan to keep a woman’s uterus barren even after conception with the ultimate goal being the termination of pregnancy with abortion. Planned Parenthhood it the largest abortion provider in the nation. Why would we be allowing these harbingers of death to have any dealings with our children in our public schools? It is not the planning of parenthood they promote, or even the planning of family that is their goal; it is the planned ending of any chance of parenthood, it is the planned removal of any unplanned pregnancy, it is the Planned destruction of any child conceived unexpectedly that is their true goal and ultimate end. Planned Parenthood’s promotion of safe sex, does not include the sharing of information that abortion can lead to breast cancer, post abortion trauma, psychological problems and even leading to future miscarriages or even the inability of a post abortive woman ever having children. Many women have even died during an abortion procedure, but of course, that would never be brought up.

    “Planned Barrenhood” promotes the use of condoms to the students saying it is a way to “‘practice” so called “safe sex”. What they do not tell the students is that it is not safe at all! Sexually active people face a risk that is four times higher for contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) than for getting pregnant, even when using condoms. More than 25 million Americans are infected with the herpes virus spread from any sexual skin to skin contact even when using a condom.

    What “Planned Barrenhood” also does tell students is that the use of condoms does not prevent the spreading of a deadly virus called HPV, or Human Papillomavirus. The virus is so small that it easily passes through the membrane of the condom. More than 40 percent of sexually active teens are infected with human papillomavirus. This disease contracted by a woman, has no known early symptoms. If left unchecked and untreated in a woman infected with HPV, it can lead to severe vaginal and abdominal pain, scarring of the uterus, sterility or even worse, cervical cancer, a most deadly cancer.

    An estimated one in five Americans is infected with a viral STD, a figure that doesn’t include bacterial diseases like chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. What the promotion of the use of condoms has done, is given us a plague of sexually transmitted diseases. What we should be teaching our children is the lie that is spread about “safe sex”. There is nothing safe about it. In fact, those who promote it are condemning these teens to a lifetime of misery, sexual abuse, failed relationships, poor self esteem from being treated as sexual objects, possible sterility from sexually transmitted diseases and in the worst instance, death from cervical cancer caused by HPV. Even with the widespread use of condoms, one in every 250 Americans has the AIDS virus. Doesn’t sound like safe sex to me! Why doesn’t the Hartford Courant promote informing the public about the lies of safe sex? One can only imagine.

    Instead of having “Planned Barrenhood” or having women such as Susan Campbell promote the misinforming of our kids, we would be better served to have real women such as Pam Stenzel, an advocate and pro life, pro abstinence counselor for teens who comes to share with them the truth that there is no safe sex outside of a committed and monogamous marriage. We’ve seen Pam’s Program. Every High School teen and every College Student should witness her program. Perhaps the Courant would promote her. I won’t hold my breath.

    You can read more about Pam Stenzel at

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