
Happy Passover!

FIC wishes a Happy Passover to all our Jewish friends, family and supporters. Some background on the holiday from The Capitalist League:

The Passover story has many different meanings. One of the things we discuss during the Passover Seder (the traditional meal and retelling of the Passover Story) is that if our forefathers had not been taken out of Egypt we would still be slaves today. This point is extremely meaningful to me. It reminds me that the life of comfort and freedom that I enjoy was born out of the struggles of my forefathers. This includes not only my Jewish ancestors, but the founding fathers, those who fought the Nazis and the Communists, and those who continue to fight for our freedom today. It is also a reminder that the choices I make today, whether to be free or to accept life as a slave, will affect generations to come…

A third meaning that was taught to me by Rabbi Posner of the Boston Chabad House, was that Passover is a chance for each of us to be personally set free. We may find ourselves enslaved to our jobs or to television. Perhaps we are enslaved by hatred or by guilt. Or, perhaps we are enslaved by drugs and alcohol. The Holiday of Passover calls upon us to reexamine our lives, realize that we are the masters of our destiny, and to throw off the shackles that we have previously accepted. By following our hearts and our faith, the Almighty will lead us to be Free in a promised land flowing with Milk and Honey.

And some ecumenical Passover thoughts from homeschooling activist Judy Aron:

If you observe this holiday I wish you a Happy Passover. For everyone else who calls this “Holy Week”, may you also share the joy of family and good food, and a chance to renew the spirit and to take the time to thank our Creator for bringing us all to this season in our lives. After all, this is what it is really about isn’t it?

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