Rell Again Says She Will Veto Same-Sex “Marriage”
January 29th, 2007 by Peter
Gov. Rell on Friday reiterated her vow to veto same-sex “marriage” legislation:
“I said … when I signed the civil union bill that I believed it covered the concerns that had been raised. And I believe that that bill was the appropriate way to go and I still do,” Rell told reporters at a state Capitol news conference. “And the answer is yes, I would veto a bill that provides for same-sex marriage.”
Gay marriage advocates were dismayed by Rell’s comments, but still planned to push ahead with legislation this session.
They’re “dismayed” because their strategy of “let’s pretend the governor hasn’t spoken on this” just went up in smoke. More:
Meanwhile, the Family Institute of Connecticut, which opposes same-sex marriage, also plans to launch its campaign on the same day [Wednesday, January 31]. The group’s president, Brian Brown, and a contingent of legislators, mostly Republicans, plan to call for a referendum on gay marriage. They want the voters to decide whether the state’s marriage laws should apply to same-sex couples…
The institute also plans to hold a “Let the People Decide” rally at the Capitol on Feb. 21. They claim hundreds of citizens are expected to attend.
Brian will be on the Dan Lovallo show tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. to discuss our press conference and the 2007 Let the People Decide campaign.
People that support same-sex marriage are not “anti-family”. Labeling them as such just shows how desperate you are give yourselves legitimacy. Why don’t you put your energy into solving real problems and real threats to families and stop crusading against people whose lives fall outside of your personal moral boundaries. That will allow the rest of us redirect OUR energy instead of having to spend it all on defending against ignorant bigots like you.
Supporters of endless welfare payments to single mothers did not consider themselves to be “anti-family,” but the result of that program was a dramatic increase in children being raised without a father. Supporters of no-fault divorce did not consider themselves to be “anti-family,” but that policy too resulted in more children being raised without both parents.
Likewise, people who advocate further eroding the millennia-tested social norm of marriage (without a scintilla of evidence that it will *not* harm children) may not think that they are anti-family. However, research and rational thought clearly show otherwise.
Poll after poll makes clear that you and your ilk are the ones who are desperate to “give yourselves legitimacy.” Given that one of the primary purposes of the Family Institute is to inform the public, and given that you have failed to cite any research that supports your position, it is clear that the moniker of “ignorant” belongs to you. None of my homosexual friends has ever called he a bigot, and yet you have. I guess that would make you, well, a bigot.
Haha, when do your ads opposing no-fault divorce come out? That’ll be fun to watch.
By the way, what drives conservatives to always resort to the “some of my best friends are…” defense?
They ran an anti no-fault divorce guy against Andrew a couple of years back.