
Connecticut’s five Congressmen are uniformly pro-abortion and pro embryo destruction. But we owe it to ourselves–and the lives that will be lost–to dissuade them from forcing us to fund the deliberate killing of innocent human life. Below is the FRC action alert on tomorrow’s vote. 

On January 11, the House will consider a bill to fund research that requires the killing of human embryos. Sponsored by Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO), H.R. 3 will federally fund research on human embryos that supposedly are “leftover” from in vitro fertilization. Instead of promoting the adoption of these human embryos, this bill would require their death.

President Bush is the first president to federally fund human embryonic stem cell research. He decided that such research could be funded so long as the cells had been obtained from embryos on or prior to August 9, 2001. Since then, the government has funded research on over 22 stem cell lines. However, the President’s policy does not encourage the further killing of human embryos.

Just as abortion is currently legal, killing human embryos is completely legal. The debate is about federal funding. We don’t federally fund abortion even though it is legal. Likewise, we should not force U.S. taxpayers to fund research that requires the destruction of embryos. Last July, President Bush vetoed the same bill and the House upheld the veto. However, H.R. 3 would overturn the Bush policy and create a direct incentive to create and kill human embryos for research with your taxes! Please contact your Representative and let him or her know that you strongly oppose H.R. 3.

Contact your U.S. Representative by calling the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vote NO on using your tax dollars to fund the destruction of human embryos. For your Representatives’ full contact information go to

2 Responses to “Congress to Vote on Embryo Destruction Jan. 11”

  1. on 10 Jan 2007 at 2:38 pmJAron

    But hey wait just a minute… didn’t Nancy Pelosi just say that this Congress was all about “the children”?

    Oh yeah right – embryos aren’t children..

    funny though.. Madame Speaker Pelosi was an embryo once…

  2. on 12 Jan 2007 at 10:19 amTrueBlueCT

    Nancy Reagan is anti-life? Sick.

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