November 13th, 2006 by Peter
Genghis Conn is right. Because of anti-war passions same-sex “marriage” did not play as big a role in state elections as I was expecting:
That result suggests that their [FIC’s and Love Makes a Family’s] endorsements had little impact, which is probably true. In the most recent Quinnipiac Poll that asked the question “What do you think is the most important problem facing Connecticut today?” the answer “gay marriage” or something similar didn’t come up. People were a lot more worried about taxes, the economy, transportation and education than social issues.
So in summary, LMAF did a bit better with its endorsements than FIC, but in the end this election simply wasn’t about their core issues.
But here is the other side of the coin. The next legislature has no mandate to pass a law fabricating same-sex “marriage.” In 2007 it will be the job of Connecticut’s pro-family citizenry to remind their legislators of that fact.