
Donna Porstner has written one of the more interesting articles on same-sex “marriage” and the 2006 General Assembly elections:

Gay-rights activists and same-sex marriage opponents are pumping thousands of dollars into this year’s state elections to back candidates who support their views.
The Family Institute Action Committee, which lobbied against last year’s landmark civil-union legislation, and Love Makes a Family, the chief proponent of the law, are interested because the legislators elected on Tuesday could vote in the next session on whether to make same-sex marriage legal, and whether same-sex marriages performed in other states and countries should be recognized in Connecticut.

The third paragraph notes that our PAC spent $21,000 in the last quarter and it is only toward the end of the story that we learn Love Makes a Family spent $37,000 during the same period.

Porstner also may have inadvertently “outed” the leading legislative proponent of same-sex “marriage,” Rep. Michael Lawlor (D-East Haven):

The chairmen of the state’s Judiciary Committee, state Sen. Andrew McDonald, D-Stamford, and state Rep. Michael Lawlor, D-East Haven, who are both gay and shepherded the civil-union bill through the legislature, are among the incumbents the Family Institute is trying to oust this election season to block the passage of a same-sex marriage bill [emphasis added].

But these are minor observations. This article is the first piece I’ve seen “connecting the dots” in this election and, unlike the New Haven Advocate hit job, it appears in a real newspaper. Porstner’s story is a must read.

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