

Congratulations to Gregg Hannan, a former FIC board member and current candidate for State Senate, for driving the Left bonkers. Here’s the latest version of the same story they keep writing about him:

Indeed there is another side to Gregg Hannan, a side that voters should know about before the election is held a week from today. Voters have little awareness that Hannan has helped formulate policy for the ultra-conservative religious Family Institute of Connecticut. Branford’s weekly newspapers and the New Haven Register have hardly uttered a peep about Hannan’s involvement in the FIC. If voters were lucky enough to read the New Haven Advocate a couple of weeks ago, Andy Bromage, the paper’s new managing editor, disclosed that the FIC had targeted a number of “the state’s most progressive lawmakers for defeat this year,” among them, Ed Meyer.
Meyer and other legislators supported Connecticut’s landmark civil union legislation as well as state funding for stem-cell research to help find cures for life-threatening illnesses. Last week the FIC officially endorsed Hannan, who served for several years on the FIC’s Board of Directors, he told the Eagle in an interview. Hannan is still listed on the group’s legislative advisory council. “I support their efforts as a group,” he said, adding that he is “pro-life.” He also opposes emergency contraception for rape victims.

Given Gregg’s answers above—to a lefty blogger no less—you may be wondering how that blogger could keep the “stealth” meme going. But even by left-wing blogosphere standards her work is shabby:

He [Meyer] is pro-choice and wants Catholic hospitals to offer emergency contraceptives to rape victims, measures Governor Rell has signed into law.

In fact, Gov. Rell opposed the bill to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortifacients. The bill never made out of committee, much less showed up on Rell’s desk for her to supposedly “sign into law.”

Gregg, keep up the good work. You’ve got the pro-abortion Left so out of their minds they can’t even get their facts straight.

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