October 30th, 2006 by Peter
Asked about legislation that would require all hospitals, including Catholic ones, to provide rape victims with emergency contraception, Fedele said the issue is now moot because the FDA will allow over-the-counter sales of Plan B for women 18 and older in January.
Carolyn Treiss, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut, reacted angrily to Fedele’s comments. NARAL has accused Fedele of having an anti-abortion record while serving as a state representative.
“I just think that when you’re talking about victims of a violent crime, to just say that it’s available over-the-counter, they can just go to a pharmacy and get it, is so insensitive and cruel,” she said.
Fedele insisted that he and Rell support abortion rights.
“Governor Rell and I have been very open on our position on women’s rights. Both Governor Rell and I are pro-choice, our legislative record shows that we’ve supported women’s issues and health care issues,” he said.
Glassman, who supports requiring all hospitals to provide emergency contraception to rape victims, said she was surprised by Fedele’s answer.
“Because I know when he was in the legislature he voted for a bill that would make it a felony to provide certain abortions to women,” she said. “So I’m very surprised to hear him say that he’s pro-choice. There’s no question I’m pro-choice.”
Always remember when this issue comes up that 1) “Plan B” is not just contraceptive, it can also cause abortions and 2) State Victim Advocate James Papillo testified that no rape victim had ever reported being denied “Plan B.”
As for Democrat Mary Glassman’s “felony” remark, she is referring to Fedele’s vote to ban partial birth abortion. That is the abortion procedure where all but the head of an unborn child in the second or third trimester is pulled feet first out of the womb, the brains are sucked out of the child’s head and her skull is crushed. That is what Glassman and running mate John DeStefano, a Catholic, would like to keep legal.
Giordano is against same-sex marriage and has accused McDonald of representing his “personal politics” in Hartford… The two candidates also differed sharply over a bill that would have required all hospitals — including the state’s four Catholic hospitals — to dispense emergency contraceptives, also known as “Plan B” or “the morning after pill,” to rape victims.
McDonald supported it, but Giordano called the proposal an attack on religious freedoms. He said Democrats, through their budget package, were trying to force Catholic hospitals to perform chemical abortions by attempting to withhold $5 million in state energy funding to hospitals that did not comply with the proposal. The bill died in committee during the last session and the funding plan didn’t make it into the final budget.
In Indiana President Bush reminded voters that marriage protection is an issue in the 2006 campaign:
SELLERSBURG, Ind. — At his first campaign rally this election season, President Bush on Saturday galvanized supporters in a packed high school gym by pledging to oppose gay marriage, a theme Republican candidates have revived in the wake of a New Jersey court ruling in favor of gay couples.
“Activist judges try to define America by court order,” Bush told the crowd of 4,000 at Silver Creek High School, flanked by local Rep. Mike Sodrel, R-Ind., who is running for re-election. “Just this week in New Jersey, another activist court issued a ruling that raises doubt about the institution of marriage. We believe marriage is between a man and a woman…”
Constitutional amendments banning gay marriage will be on the ballot in eight states this November, including South Carolina, which Bush visited late Saturday to greet troops and attend a campaign fundraiser outside Charleston.
The annual “State of Our Unions” report by the National Marriage Project at Rutgers University found men between 25 and 33 increasingly are unwilling to commit to marriage. Don’t get them wrong: They value the institution and want to marry and have children one day; it’s just they do not feel the social pressures that once pushed men toward marriage. And since women by and large aren’t holding men’s feet to the matrimonial fire, men are content with one-night stands and cohabitation as alternatives to getting burned by divorce.
The study listed the top 10 reasons why men today are unwilling to commit to marriage, and the top two are the same reason said differently: They can get all the sex they want without saying “I do.” Men want to be friends with a woman before getting seriously involved, but casual sex is readily available. Men also believe cohabitation is a good way of trying out a prospective marriage partner. It offers less risk than marriage with all the sexual and domestic benefits.
Also high on their list: avoiding the financial risks of divorce. That’s simultaneously selfish and understandable, but even the researchers failed to see the irony. Liberalized divorce laws were supposed to liberate women, to make it easier for them to escape loveless or abusive marriages. Today, divorce is a major impediment to those women looking to marry and raise a family in the best traditions of human civilization.
And in East Haven Rep. Michael Lawlor is reportedly appearing in TV spots holding an FIC Action Committee letter exposing his anti-family voting record and pleading with constituents to call him so he can explain himself.
These are the dots not being connected by the MSM. The big question in this year’s race for the General Assembly is not whether the Democrats will gain a veto-proof majority but how big the pro-family effect will be.