October 27th, 2006 by Peter
So I turn on liberal radio host Colin McEnroe’s Oct. 13th show and he’s addressing a few “transgendered” guests?those who have had sex-change operations and believe the human race has more than two sexes. “Where is this issue a big deal?” Colin asks. “Maybe it is in Nebraska, Kansas or somewhere else in the Midwest, but not here. This just isn’t a big issue in the Northeast. You see so many people in the Northeast who have changed their sex that it just isn’t a big issue here anymore.”
I turned off the radio and thought, “well, here’s another clueless liberal who’s constructed a fantasy Connecticut—a state where all but a few share the ‘enlightened’ worldview of his tiny clique.”
In the real Connecticut people are struggling to raise their children in a state whose elites are constantly attacking their faith and family values. But every so often reality is forced on our clueless elites by those who must live and work in the real Connecticut:
A series of billboards featuring photographs of clothed people of the same sex holding hands was rejected by a local billboard company Wednesday.
The billboards, which were being given at cost by Lamar Outdoor Advertising of Hartford to the not-for-profit community arts group Real Art Ways, promoted a Polish multi-disciplinary arts project – “POZA: Art and Performance” beginning Saturday at the Arbor Street arts complex…
Steve Hebert, vice president and general manager of Lamar, declined to be specific in saying what in the ad was provocative, only repeating, “It was a sensitive issue in a community and could be controversial.” He said it was the company’s right to refuse the billboards.
The head of Real Art Ways calls the company’s actions “outrageous and unfortunate.”
“To make a decision like this based on the anticipated actions of bigots,” says executive director Will K. Wilkins, “does a real disservice to the gay and lesbian community and the broader community as well.”
Ah yes, “the bigots.” Whenever momentarily forced to drop the fantasy and face the real Connecticut, our elites are always quick to remind us what they really think of their own state. Â
Memo to Colin, Susan Campbell, the editors of the Courant and other denizens of fantasy land: There are over three million people in Connecticut. Most of them don’t hang out at Real Art Ways.