April 3rd, 2006 by Peter
The Courant quoted FIC three days in a row over the weekend. On Friday, it was on our response to the Massachusetts ruling:
In Connecticut, opponents of same-sex marriage applauded the ruling, which they viewed as a significant retreat from the court’s earlier decision.
“It shows a chastened court,” said Peter Wolfgang of the Family Institute of Connecticut. The 2003 ruling “caused a reaction they never expected. Now they’re stepping back and being a little more cautious.”
On Saturday, it was the 6-month anniversary of the legalization of same-sex unions:
Peter Wolfgang of the Family Institute of Connecticut said it was a pity to toss aside thousands of years of tradition for the benefit of a small group.
Civil unions “disrupt the common understanding of what marriage is,” said Wolfgang, who views such unions as marriage in everything but name. “For such a small number you’re going to completely change the definition of what marriage is for all of Connecticut?”
On Sunday, Courant columnist Susan Campbell quoted this blog:
…but then I wrote about the sin of gay-bashing, and ended up on a blog with the plea: “We should keep Susan Campbell in our prayers.” I appreciate that. I promise to pray for all bloggers, as well.
Campbell would have her readers believe that we are praying for her because she opposes gay-bashing. In fact, what raised our concern was her false accusation that we support, or are responsible for, violence–a calumny she essentially repeats in yesterday’s column. Here is the full context of the statement she quotes, from my Mar. 13 blog:
But because we dare to oppose the pro same-sex “marriage” agenda, Campbell says, any violence against homosexuals is still our fault. Ironically, the pro same-sex “marriage” activist Campbell quotes to support this fallacy once wrote on a website that acts of vandalism against pro-family churches were akin to “justice actions.” And, of course, there is still no mention in the Courant of the man who was convicted of making a death threat against Connecticut Catholic lobbyist Marie Hilliard because of Marie’s opposition to same-sex civil unions.
We should keep Susan Campbell in our prayers–not in the same spirit in which she says she prays for conservatives (see my Aug. 15 blog), but for real. Despite all her vitriol, Campbell comes across as–in Flannery O’Connor’s wonderful phrase–“Christ haunted,” and there is reason to hope that her theological journey will bring her to a destination that she did not expect.
[…] to describe Susan Campbell’s spiritual state, in a 2006 Family Institute of Connecticut Blog post responding to one of her many ad hominem attacks on supporters of traditional […]