
Archive for the 'Religious Freedom' Category

Family Institute of Connecticut is hearing from both concerned friends and gleeful foes over comments by Pope Francis that are being spun in the media as “Pope wants Catholics to abandon the fight against abortion and same-sex ‘marriage.’”  In fact, that is not what the Pope said. In a 12,000 word interview that touches briefly […]

Religious freedom threat is real The Church of England will be between a rock and a hard place if a same-sex couple from Essex follow through with their stated plan to sue over England’s Marriage Act. My first observation is that I ought to be reading ‘PinkNews’ as often as I can stand. I do […]

[Note: It has not been FIC’s practice to re-post all of our email alerts to our members here on the blog. But the one below, from July 1st, has received a higher-than-normal response rate and so it was suggested that we post it. Please know how deeply grateful I am for all of your kind […]

There is still time to register for the Great Awakening IV conference, which is taking place June 20-22 at Memorial Hall in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The title recalls previous “Great Awakenings” of Christian faith in American history. From the informational brochure: At this conference an excellent selection of nationally recognized speakers will address the reasons for […]

“You must love Connecticut if you want to win Connecticut. You cannot win without love.” It is that time of year again. FIC’s Summer Fundraising Campaign has begun. Those of you who are on our email list know the details by which we can raise $60,000 by mid-summer to carry on the fight for life, […]

In the six years since Peter Wolfgang became president of Family Institute of Connecticut Action, we have suffered only one major legislative defeat: the passage of the 2011 Bathroom Bill. 2013 marks the resumption of FIC Action’s winning streak and, indeed, of an FIC Action that is better than it has ever been. Here is […]

  St. Joseph’s College Betrays Pro-Lifers, Again The Food and Drug Administration has announced that it will allow the Morning After Pill–the potentially abortifacient Plan B drug–to be sold over-the-counter without a prescription to 15 year old girls. Family Institute of Connecticut is quoted in The Hartford Courant today against the decision: “It’s put the […]

Enfield man gets probation for death threats sent to same-sex marriage opponent By Alex Wood Journal Inquirer | Posted: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 1:36 pm Calling Daniel Sarno “clearly a disturbed individual who needs a great deal of help,” a federal judge on Tuesday sentenced the Enfield man to five years’ probation for mailing death […]

The failure of Massachusetts’ Question 2, which would have legalized assisted suicide in that state, has not dampened the enthusiasm of its advocates.  In a blog post appearing on the websites of both Compassion and Choices and the Death With Dignity National Center, Peg Sandeen, executive director of the Death With Dignity National Center,  boasts […]

In 2009, then-State Senator Andrew McDonald led the most blatantly unconstitutional attack on religious liberty in recent memory when he tried to pass a bill that would have stripped Connecticut’s Catholic bishops and priests of authority over their own parishes–a move widely believed to be payback for the Church’s opposition to same-sex “marriage.” Now a […]

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