
Archive for the 'Religious Freedom' Category

Coming off Hartford’s Capitol Ave. exit a half hour ago my fellow commuters and I were greeted by protesters on all four sides of the road pleading for an end to the genocide in Darfur, a region in the African nation of Sudan. It’s a cause that people all across the political spectrum ought to be […]

The state chapter of the ACLU is pressuring schools in Enfield and South Windsor to not hold their graduation ceremonies at First Cathedral in Bloomfield: ENFIELD — For Enfield school officials, First Cathedral of Bloomfield offered a solution to a problem: a place big enough to hold the graduation ceremony for Enrico Fermi High School’s […]

The town of Griswold has chosen to defy demands by a state atheist group that it divest itself of bells chimed from a Baptist Church–and that the bells be turned down: GRISWOLD, Conn. (AP) — Local officials vow that the bells of a Baptist church will continue to peal above the complaints of atheists. A […]

Stealing Baby Jesus?

Each year we face the War over Christmas and the attack on public displays of faith.  But stealing statues of the Baby Jesus from nativity scenes as a joke? From today’s Hartford Courant: December 9 2006 It’s not Christmas until baby Jesus starts disappearing from outdoor Nativity scenes. The thefts happen annually throughout the country, and last weekend, […]

A doctor has filed a complaint of bias against St. Mary’s Hospital because of its refusal to provide benefits to his same-sex civil union partner. Giving in to his demand would have violated the Catholic hospital’s beliefs, but the doctor does not care. Less than five months after the civil union law went into effect, […]

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