
Archive for the 'Religious Freedom' Category

Local print media are publishing several 11th hour counter-attacks by religious liberty advocates against the bill forcing Catholic hospitals to provide chemical abortions. National Catholic Bioethics Center president John Haas notes in his Sunday Courant op-ed that, yes, the issue is abortion, not contraception: The proponents of Plan B wanted the drug administered regardless of the effects it might have. […]

The Church has rejected a “compromise” that would have made its hospitals complicit in providing chemical abortions. The pro-abortion attack on religious liberty is one of the hottest topics at our state capitol this year, but in a “don’t stir up the natives” move the Courant buries the news on page B10: Despite continued Catholic opposition, the […]

A story on the front page of today’s Life section reports uncritically on an event–ostensibly to prevent anti-gay bullying–occuring in the nation’s schools tomorrow. Courant staff writer Joann Klimkiewicz’s article does not quote a single critic of the event, makes no mention of the controversy in Danbury and even promotes the event’s website. From Klimkiewicz’s story: […]

From the Courant’s website: Despite continuing negotiations with the Catholic Church, the state Senate plans to press forward with a vote today on a bill that would require all hospitals to provide emergency birth control pills to rape victims… The bill the Senate plans to consider today would allow Catholic hospitals to contract with an […]

Our opponents were incredulous when pro-family speakers at last month’s same-sex “marriage” hearing discussed the threat to free speech. But–as first noticed by Pray Connecticut–Christian students at Danbury High School required a letter from attorneys to protect their free speech rights once those rights ran afoul of politically correct ideology: The Alliance Defense Fund reports that […]

That’s the title of an item on the popular LifeSite News regarding last week’s hearing. Other websites are linking to Lifesite’s article and FIC is being inundated with e-mail messages supporting Brian. An excerpt from Lifesite: Representative Michael Lawlor, a proponent of homosexual ‘marriage’ repeatedly asserted falsely that Brown, a Catholic, believed homosexual people were intrinsically […]

The court-ordered imposition of same-sex “marriage” on Massachusetts provoked significant political losses for the pro-SSM movement and the Left in general. It seems the new governor is determined to repeat the errors of his state’s high court: BOSTON — Gov. Deval Patrick has ordered officials to record the marriages of 26 out-of-state gay couples, including two from […]

The Catholic League’s Bill Donahue sent the following message to every member of the Connecticut General Assembly: March 30, 2007 Dear Connecticut Legislator: I have no doubt that all of you share my contempt for state officials who ask patently illegitimate questions of expert witnesses who testify before them. Unfortunately, two members of the state legislature, Representative […]

The update is that there is no update–that is, no new information to reveal. But it’s been awhile since the issue was discussed on this blog and there are a few related media items worth mentioning. There was Catholic Concerns Day, for instance. The Courant made the absurd claim that “about 100” participated (the Post put […]

If you had followed Monday’s hearing via the bizarro world of liberal blogdom you’d have thought the day belonged to our opponents. But those who were there–or who watched it for themselves via CTN rather than relying on Mike Lawlor’s favorite propagandists–know differently. The Judiciary Committee’s March 26th public hearing on the bill to redefine […]

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