
Hartford’s 40 Days for Life campaign–a 12-hour-a-day prayer vigil in front of the local abortion clinic–has saved four lives in the last three weeks. That makes 32 lives saved–that we know of–in the three years since the program began. FIC has received this email about one success story:

On Saturday, October 9th there were about eight of us praying on the island. A van pulled up across the street in front of the clinic. A young woman came across the street carrying a young boy in her arms.

She said “If you think for one minute that your prayers are not working – they are!” She continued to tell us as tears streamed down her face that two years go she had three children and had been separated from her husband and found she was pregnant and decided that she couldn’t deal with having another baby. She pulled up far beyond the clinic to avoid the people praying across the street and she got out of her car. 

Out of nowhere a woman was standing right in front of her and said “You don’t have to do this, you know.” She said after speaking to the woman a short time she got back in her car crying and, angry, drove away. She said that she cried all the way home and said to God, “If I am to have this baby you will have to help me.” 

And He did. Once she drove away from the clinic that day two years ago she never thought about abortion again. She introduced us to her son Joey–who is almost two–that she was carrying in her arms and we all hugged her and thanked her for taking the time to share her story and assured her that she and her family are in our prayers.

She asked Joey, “Tell the ladies who made you.” Joey was shy and hid his head in his mother’s shoulder, so she spoke for him and said “Jesus made me.”

PRAISE THE LORD! Our prayers and efforts are helping others!

Go here to help the Hartford 40 Days for Life and here to help our friends in Norwich.

5 Responses to “Hartford 40 Days for Life Success Story”

  1. on 14 Oct 2010 at 11:02 amLeticia Velasquez

    This is the reason I stand in front of the abortion mill in Norwich.
    Thank you for this poignant reminder that our prayers are heard.

  2. on 19 Oct 2010 at 2:12 pmJune Vendetti

    These are the success stories we love to hear! This is why we do what we are doing- to eradicate abortion once and for all, so that infants in the womb will have the right to life! This is who we are and why we are called Christian. We ae fighting the battle for Christ. We are His hands and feet. We are serving Him who made us, for we belong to Him. The infant in the womb belongs to God, too-therefore, he or she has a right to life! Mothers are carrying a human being inside them. It should not be referred to as a thing, or the glob, or a piece of tissue-no, it is a live human being growing inside the mother. We pray for mothers who are in desperate situations to turn to God and ask Him to help them. We pray that all abortion clinics will cease to exist. We pray that we will see the day when people will realize just how wrong abortion is. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

  3. on 20 Oct 2010 at 1:36 amSheila Taylor

    Leticia, I totally agree. I went tonight and God led me to kneel and pray. I cried as I prayed my rosary and offered this unbelievable sorrow of torture and death of the unborn to God. Today, October 19th, is the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity with those who have been silenced. It is the “Survivors of Abortion” who are bringing attention to the one-third of their generation that will never have a voice…victims of the abortion holocaust. Although not of their generation, I want to stand with this generation who were denied playmates, classmates, friends and possibly spouses and the future generations they would have produced. We all are the poorer for this genocide. I was wearing a red arm band because I had a doctor’s appointment and could not be silent. I explained my reason for wearing it and they (the assistant and the nurse practitioner) became uncomfortable and changed the subject. Neither agreed with the horror that it is. Imagine, doctors, nurses, and medical professionals are even advising abortion to their patients and if they don’t do them, the refer them. Today I said, why not refer them to a Crisis Pregnancy Center like Birthright or CareNet to speak to a person before making such a decision. Listened to me but no reply. My sister had an abortion at the advice of her doctor and she has been suffering emotionally for some time. She keeps telling me I’m so blessed to have my son. She was young and I know this statement comes from her decision ENCOURAGED BY A DOCTOR, who I thought took an oath to “do no harm” and now they hurt their patients by encouraging them, not to see a CPC where people will love them and their child, but to kill a precious baby IN CASE something might go wrong. Shame on them…those medical personnel who advise abortion need our prayers…through their advice babies will live or die.

  4. on 20 Oct 2010 at 10:45 amPati Adams-Ex.Director

    This is why I have been in the Pro-Life arena for 11years.
    Working at a crisis pregnancy center is a battle field for eternal life and the life of that unborn baby. But the battle goes far beyond these doors and the lives of those women who choose abortion. It touches the father’s lives, the sibligs left behind, the grandparents(never to hold their grandchild), aunt’s and uncles and list can go on. So it effects generations of families, like it has mine.
    I pray for these 40 for Life, my only sadness is, I wish that they had the 40 Days for Life back in the 70’s, when I had my 3 abortions.

    I also believe that included in the 40 days for life should be the hospitals that do abortions also, those women need prayer also, that is where I had mine done.

    God Bless you all!!

  5. […] When FIC exposed their threat and promised to lead the fight against it, NARAL backed away (see here and […]

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