
This week several Connecticut Congressmen will be holding public meetings in the state concerning the health care bills in Congress. The independent organization confirms that Obamacare would indeed use public monies to pay for abortions.

FIC, CT Right to Life and every other pro-life group in our state needs your help to tell our congressmen that abortion is not health care! It must not be mandated or funded by taxpayer dollars or insurance premiums paid into the government health care plans! Please attend these forums this week and ask every pro-lifer you know to join you!

Below is a list of town hall forums. Please plan to arrive early, as health care plan supporters are being told to show up at least one hour early and seating at several of the forums will be limited. Please be respectful to our congressmen at all times.

Politely ask your congressman to vote for language that explicitly bans abortion in any health care plan and forbids the use of government funds, whether from taxes or from health insurance premiums paid to the government or to private insurance companies, from being used to pay for abortion.

House committees have already repeatedly refused to approve amendments that would ban abortion in health care. Do not be fooled if your congressman brings up the Capps amendment! As makes clear, the amendment would use public monies to fund abortion while claiming to prohibit it.

The schedule is as follows:

GREENWICH – Monday, August, 31 – WGCH News Director Tony Savino will moderate this health care town hall meeting with Congressman Jim Himes to be broadcast live by WGCH – 6:30-8:00 PM – Greenwich Town Hall Meeting Room, 101 Field Point Rd., Greenwich – seating may be limited

WEST HARTFORD – Congressman John Larson – Wednesday, September 2 – 6:00 PM at West Hartford Town Hall  (50 South Main Street) – seating will be limited.

WASHINGTON,CT – Congressman Chris Murphy – Wedenesday, September 2 – Shepaug Valley High School, Washington, CT (159 South Street).  6:30 p.m. -seating will be limited.

NORWALK – Congressman Jim Himes – Wednesday, September 2 – NOTE LOCATION CHANGE – originally scheduled for Norwalk City Hall, because of a large turnout expected, the hearing has been moved to Norwalk City High School Auditorium, 23 Calvin Murphy Drive, Norwalk.  The forum will be from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

MONTVILLE – Congressman Joe Courtney – Wednesday, September 2, Montville High School at 800 Old Colchester Road (Oakville section of Montville). 6:30 PM – seating will be limited.

BRIDGEPORT – Congressman Jim Himes – Wednesday, September 3, Bridgeport City Hall Council Chambers at 45 Lyon Terrace, Bridgeport.  6:30 PM – 8 PM – seating will be limited.

FIC has also learned of an invitation from Congressman Chris Murphy to his constituents to “join me for breakfast Tuesday September 1 through Friday, September 4, from 8 to 9am, to talk about health care reform. I’ll bring the coffee, you bring the conversation.” Here are the locations:

WATERBURY – Tuesday, September 1, 8 AM – 9 AM, Library Park, 267 Grand Street at Meadow Street.

DANBURY – Wednesday, September 2, 8 AM – 9 AM CityCenter, Danbury Green.

DANBURY – Thursday, September 3, 8 AM – 9 AM, CityCenter, Danbury Green.

WATERBURY – Friday, September 4, 8 AM – 9 AM Library Park 267 Grand Street at Meadow Street.

This is the last week of Congress’ summer recess before they return to Washington, D.C. to resume consideration of the health care bills. Now is the time to speak out in defense of human life! Please plan to attend one of these health care forums and to make your voice heard! Please forward this ACTION ALERT to all pro-lifers you know in Connecticut!!!

One Response to “Tell Your Congressman: No Abortion in Health Care!”

  1. on 14 Sep 2009 at 8:52 amTricia

    I attended the TH meetings of Jim Himes in both Norwalk and Bridgeport, although my husband and I were only on the plaza OUTSIDE the high school auditorium in Norwalk, as they could not accommodate all the probably 2,000 plus people who wanted to be in there.

    Of the two evenings—I had a better experience, personally, being able to converse (and argue) with people on the plaza *outside* the Norwalk TH Weds.; because I was able to actively engage with many people, on both sides of the issue. I feel that my time there was used very productively—as I was able to both learn and share perspectives—even though some I talked with were ignorant and even insulting!

    I was carrying my sign which read:

    “Gov’t. run HEALTH CARE= # DOCs (arrow down symbol)
    WAITS (arrow up symbol)
    QUALITY ( ” down ” )
    $ $ $ (arrow UP ” )

    As I was walking onto the plaza, a woman older than myself immediately confronted me and disagreed. We discussed our differing views calmly, and then she finished by hurling the insult that “If you don’t believe in the *public option,* then you are hopelessly ignorant!”

    It was a very interesting experience in Norwalk, to say the least!

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