Just For the Record
July 16th, 2009 by Peter
It’s a question we get every so often: Do the blog posts and comments on FIC Blog represent official FIC policy? To be sure, the question is generated in part by selective quoting of this site by those left-wing bloggers whose relationship to the truth is, at best, complicated. But perhaps some clarity is in order.
The answer is no, FIC Blog does not represent official policy – but our e-mail alerts (which sometimes appear in this space) do. Think of it in terms of an opinion magazine. Those magazines publish viewpoints with which they are in general sympathy. But not every article published in National Review or The Weekly Standard (or their web sites) are to be taken as the magazine’s official position. The editorials, on the other hand, obviously are official positions. FIC’s e-mail alerts are like editorials and our blog posts and comments are like articles in an opinion magazine.
From October, 2004 until July, 2007 I posted near-daily entries in this space. After becoming executive director it was no longer possible to maintain that pace. But Dave and I post when we can and we appreciate all of you who take an interest!
Dear Peter,
I am writing to respectfully express my profound disappointment in the FIC’s decision to pressure DCF to eliminate open and affirming churches from its website.
As a proud member of an centuries-old opne-and-affirming Congregational Church, I take issue.
This church is full of faithful members of all ages and all political orientations. The members and ministers are actively engaged in living out God’s word through acts of worship and outreach, and seeking social justice for all. There are beautiful, selfless, faithful, prayerful people there, Peter, and at no time have I ever encountered anyone who would, in your words, “indoctrinate children…into beliefs.. their parents are utterly opposed to.” The suggestion of that is, frankly, absurd, as well as inflammatory.
You’ve done a disservice to your fellow Christians with these words. I encourage you to come and worship with us or to witness the many ways our church supports love of God and family, and you may just have a change of heart.
Jennifer, I could see how my quote in the Courant would leave you confused, considering the reporter and I talked for a long time and the question of “gay-friendly” or “open and affirming” churches never came up. I will try to shed some light on the matter shortly.
I just read this article and the comments and felt compelled post a comment myself.
I did not read the article referred to, but even if DCF was asked to remove the links to churches who are “open and affirming”, it is not a disservice to fellow Christians.
Jennifer’s church may be open and affirming of the PERSON, and ready, willing and able to help the person walk away from a sinful lifestyle. But websites geared toward embracing homosexuality are going to promote churches who are “open and affirming” of the SIN, along with the person – or their information wouldn’t be posted there.
The Bible clearly tells us that homosexuality is a sin and that we must love the sinner, hate the sin. For some churches to distort that truth is a great disservice to Christians, because it leads people to believe that those churches who do not affirm homosexuality are bigots and hateful, which is not true.
I cannot recall the book and verse numbers, but the Bible also says that those who know the truth and choose to ignore it will suffer greater judgment than those who don’t.
It would be fair (and truthful) to say that leading those seeking help and understanding astray does the greatest disservice – by providing stumbling blocks that keep them steeped in their sin.
God’s word has not changed. As believers, it is our responsibility to spread His word – truthfully, honestly and wholeheartedly.
Casey, biblical interpretation is in the eye the beholder, as has been deduced by 2 thousand years of banter!!
However, Jesus, it would seem, did not want you to judge others so harshly. (He was probably too liberal for even my tastes—an incredible maverick!)
Live kindly, treat others and God’s (his/her’s/ its) creation right and you will be a wonderful, worshipful, being. If you MUST judge, look harshly at people harm and hurt, rather at those who love, regardless of gender.
Sleep well, fellow Christian.
I agree totally with Casey’s post #3, especially the part:
“…websites geared toward embracing homosexuality are going to promote churches who are ‘open and affirming’ of the SIN, along with the person – or their information wouldn’t be posted there.”
The gay activists, as well as other secular progressives, promote the LIE that people can be happy and harmless (and healthy) IN their “sins.”
To the contrary—as Alma stated in Chpt.41:10 (“Book of Mormon”):
“Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness.”
Of course, Christians know that Christ came to earth, and performed the Atonement, to “save us *from* our sins,” NOT *IN* our sins.
I judged no one. I stated the Truth.
You are uncomfortable with that because you do not know or understand the Truth, as evidenced by your comments.
By the way – God is not a woman, nor is He an “it”.
Read the Bible and don’t twist it’s content and you just might sleep better at night.
“The gay activists, as well as other secular progressives, promote the LIE that people can be happy and harmless (and healthy) IN their ‘sins.'”
Tricia, you ignore that there are many gay and lesbian Christians, including ministers and whole denominations that are eager to perform marriage ceremonies for gay or lesbian couples in their churches. You slander them by claiming that they are “secular” simply because they differ on a couple minor points from your interpretation of the Bible.
“You slander them by claiming that they are “secular” simply because they differ on a couple minor points from your interpretation of the Bible.”
Charlie – You are ignoring a MAJOR point. To accept and affirm the sin is to ignore it, thus calling God a liar. How can they call themselves Christians if they do not recognize sin? If they do not recognize sin, they have no need for a Redeemer (CHRIST), do they? If they have no need for Christ, then how can they be Christians?!
These are NOT MINOR POINTS FROM OUR INTERPRETATION of the Bible. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah??? If God was so happy with the behavior and had no problem with the sin, why did he ANNIHILATE the two cities and their inhabitants??? We will all be held accountable for our sins. Choosing to ignore them doesn’t change that fact.
Furthermore, why would He send His only son to die a horrible death as atonement for OUR SINS, if he had no problem with sin?
It’s not just our interpretation – Christ never preached this “Feel Good” theology. Anyone who does is deceiving those who listen.
Your claim of slander rings hollow. Tricia only said that gay activists and other secular progressives promote the lie that people can be healthy and happy in their sins. She didn’t say they were the only ones to promote that lie! Obviously there are a number of misguided religious groups who have also embraced this lie. I guess it hurts for you to hear the truth. As Jesus instructed, we are to “repent and sin no more”. In the ancient tradition of the Jewish faith we are likewise called to repent and avert from sin through the concept of “teshuva”. Groups that teach the lie that you do not need to repent and turn from sin, whether they are secular or religious, are decidedly against this crucial teaching of the Judeo-Christian heritage.