Abortion, Obama and Me
January 21st, 2009 by Peter
I’ll be on the Dan Lovallo show this afternoon following the 3:30 news to discuss the CT Catholic Conference’s Special Report on The State of Abortion in CT…and Obama will likely be a topic as well. I also gave an interview about the Report to Shelly Sindland, which will probably run on The News at Ten on Fox 61 tonight. More info on the Report (and FIC’s role in it) in the days to follow…
The fight to preserve a culture of life begins at home. I have had many recent conversations, and in some cases, arguments, with family members and fellow Catholic friends who did not know anything about Obama’s abortion record or stance, yet all voted for him and are zealous supporters. In some cases, they still expressed support for him, even after being edified of his barbaric record on abortion (such as denying medical treatment to fully born infants who survived botched abortions) in the Illinois State Senate. One person even denied his record, and called it conservative rumors spread by Rush Limbaugh. I was also recently involved at my parish in distributing to our parishioners literature and post cards to our members of Congress regarding the euphemistically dubbed “Freedom of Choice Act” (FOCA), our nation’s most radically insidious (and unconstitutional) pro-abortion plan yet, and to be funded on the taxapayers’ dime no less. I was again amazed at how many of my fellow Catholics were so outraged because they didn’t know about FOCA, or the pro-abortion stance of Obama and their members of Congress. Some even sorrowfully admitted to voting for these people without knowing about their records. (Sadly, I am sure there were some who were not outraged at all.)
The Catholic Church calls on its members to make and have informed consciences, yet roughly 54% of Catholics voted for Obama. As Catholics comprise roughly 1/3 of Connecticut’s population, I wonder how many also voted for Lieberman, Dodd, and our pro-abortion members of the House of Representatives. That duty doesn’t just end at Catholics. All citizens have an ethical and moral duty to be informed and principled voters, yet clearly, many, regardless of denomination, are not. No issue is more important than preserving innocent, vulnerable life.
Clearly, we need to ramp up our efforts to defeat not just abortion, but euthanasia and (embryonic) stem cell research as well. But before we take on the opposition, we pro-lifers first need to better educate ourselves.
I think it was a “Doonesbury” comic strip that once classically depicted the character saying, “I have met the enemy, and it is I.” Prophetic indeed.
Edmund Burke once famously said, “All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.” I would only add to that sage gem, “..and for good men to know nothing.” (You, too, ladies!)
All voters need to be more diligent and more diverse in educating themselves on current events, issues, and political candidates. In this age of the Internet, it’s now even easier. For anyone who cannot afford a computer, they can certainly afford a visit to his or her local public library, where a computer can be used for free.
How many Catholics out there have a copy of the Catechism in their homes to know what our Church teaches and requires? How many citizens have a copy of the Constitution in their homes to know what our government is intended to do and not intended to do? And again, if you can’t afford to buy a copy, these resources are also available on the Internet.
49.5 million abortions have taken place in the US since the Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973. Genocide of such magnitude is in the league of those committed by the likes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao. How many of those precious children were needlessly and cavalierly executed because far too many of their older and presumably wiser fellow citizens failed to protect them because they were out of the loop by their own fault?
Ignorance is simply no excuse, especially when lives are at stake.
I agree with everything that Doug posted, though I’m not Catholic.
I am very pro-life, and believe that Obama’s social and fiscal policies are among the most “radically insidious” plagues ever to befall our nation. He seems eager to grant every wish of all the anti-life, anti-traditional values groups like Planned Parenthood. He also defends appointing TAX CHEATS and those who defend pornography and abortion to his cabinet, despite proclaiming that his administration would have the highest *ethical standards.* SOME ETHICS!!)
I know those are inflammatory words, but I don’t believe that I overstate the situation if you believe in the principles of our founding fathers—such as hard work, independence, thrift, MINIMAL government, and of course, belief in “Divine Providence.”
I am SO depressed by the prospect of the dystopia we are headed for, with the current Obama/congress and “Treasury” (headed by the TAX CHEAT, Geithner—who also “dislikes math,” btw) imposing UNIMAGINABLE DEBT upon your grandchildren, and GGC. That is, if there ARE any grandchildren, and GGC. Obama, Pelosi, Gore and co. seemingly would prefer that there won’t be any.
Which begs the question: Since they are incurring these extra TRILLIONS in DEBT, AND encouraging population control—who will be around to PAY those debts?
I literally cannot imagine having any desire to face the coming months and years, if I did not have my faith, hope, and KNOWLEDGE that Christ WILL come again, and that HE is ultimately *in charge.*
After the dire tone of my last post, I will attempt something lighter—or at least satirical.
Since Obama is attempting to make as many people as possible TOTALLY DEPENDENT upon the government—in essence he *might as well* put them in diapers and feed them baby food.
No wonder he wants to prevent the birth of more babies, since he is going to create MILLIONS of more ‘babies’ who depend on the government to be their ‘mommy and daddy.’
On a different note: I guess I should not have been surprised to find that Obama’s bible, “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky, is DEDICATED, on the opening page, to “the very first radical….Lucifer.”
A bit of a tangent, but thought it might be interesting:
Facebook Discriminates Against Pro-Life Members
I wrote the following excerpt on the group I started to protest facebook’s actions. This is the facebook groups link – http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=65672043905
On Thursday, February 19th, 2009, Stephen M. Lyon posted a famous picture of a baby in the womb holding onto a doctor’s hand during surgery. The caption read “Babies – Next Time Your ‘Choice’ Grabs Your Thumb, Tell Him/Her She Has No Right To Be Alive!!!” This in offensive picture was deleted by facebook less than 24 hours later for violating terms of use. He received a message of the following type – (this is a direct quote from the facebook help page):
“You received this warning because a photo or video that you uploaded has been removed for violating Facebook’s Terms of Use. Photos and videos containing nudity, drug use, or other graphic content are not allowed, nor are photos or videos that depict violence or that attack an individual or group. Unfortunately, for technical reasons, we are unable to provide further information about the removed content. In order to prevent this from happening in the future, please refrain from posting photos or videos of this kind and remove any that still exist on the site.”
This picture did none of the kind, unlike several groups that do offend people, like this group attacking a minor (at least at the time it was formed) in a sexual manner (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?sid=81a42c6943a37a7506502800d03f6df4&gid=24698342231), this group calling soldiers murderers (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?sid=81a42c6943a37a7506502800d03f6df4&gid=41495346128), this blatantly anti-Israel group (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?sid=81a42c6943a37a7506502800d03f6df4&gid=41281500207), and this group blatantly against homosexuals (http://www.facebook.com/s.php?sid=81a42c6943a37a7506502800d03f6df4&init=q&sf=r&k=200000010&n=-1&q=I%20hate%20fags#/group.php?sid=81a42c6943a37a7506502800d03f6df4&gid=37254006826).