
Yale has hired someone new to direct its clone-and-kill research, according to yesterday’s Courant:

Yale University has named a director for its new stem cell program, which will include controversial work involving cells taken from human embryos.
Stem cell biologist Haifan Lin, co-founder of Duke University’s stem cell research program, will oversee a group of six scientists concentrating on basic stem cell biology when he begins duties Sept. 1…

Lin promised to continue basic research into stem cells using animal models but also to expand research using human embryonic cells at Yale.

Embryonic stem cell research—which involves the cloning and killing of human embryos—will be funded by up to 100 million taxpayer dollars here in Connecticut. This taxpayer-funded assault on the sanctity of human life was made possible by a law passed by our General Assembly in 2005.

It is one more reason for all of us to remember to vote our values on Election Day, Nov. 7th. Watch for further information on the pro-family candidates in your district.

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