
Some liberal bloggers are reacting to Judge Pittman’s ruling against same-sex “marriage” with their usual cogency:

Too bad religious people want to force rational people to abide by nonsense, aka, religion, thought up by a bunch of vicious, Bronze age, goat herders. Yes that sounds like a great way to make public laws – consult some invisible sky god/ daddy, and his virgin mommy (also invisible). Makes a lot of sense, no?

Pro-abortion Rep. Roberta Willis (D-Goshen, Salisbury, Sharon, Torrington) is also having a tough time with the DMV’s refusal to censor the Choose Life license plates:

“I was deflated and disappointed. Apparently the DMV made the decision without discussing it even with the attorney general,” she said… “The only recourse we have at this point is legislative action…I want [the General Assembly] to look at how we accept these plates so this doesn’t become a continuing saga. I think we need to have this discussion.”
If she finds strong support for her ideas, laws could be changed and the “Choose Life” plate could be phased out. “What I’d assume would happen is that people keep their plates, if they have them, and, if we can terminate them, when you go to renew you wouldn’t be able to get that plate anymore,” she explained.

This week’s victories are big…but bigger battles still lie ahead. Watch this space—and your in-boxes—for information on what you can do to protect marriage and to oppose Rep. Willis’ next pro-abortion attack on free speech. Also, click here to order a Choose Life plate.

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